Product releases

The following product release is planned for May 17th, 2024

  • Feature
New Public API Endpoints

We are excited to announce the latest release of our API, introducing new endpoints that significantly enhance the functionality of our Public API. In this sprint, our team focused on expanding the API capabilities to provide our users more flexibility and ease of use.

New Public API endpoints:

POST /v1/reports/visma

  • Create reports in the Visma format using this new endpoint.

GET /v1/issuers

  • Search issuers to retrieve specific issuer details.

POST /v1/issuers

  • Create new issuers using this endpoint.

PUT /v1/issuers/{id}

  • Update issuer details by specifying the unique identifier in the URL.

GET /v1/product-categories

  • Search product categories to find specific categories.

POST /v1/product-categories

  • Create new product categories using this endpoint.

PUT /v1/product-categories/{id}

  • Update category details by specifying the unique identifier in the URL.

GET /v1/divisions

  • Search divisions to retrieve specific division details.

POST /v1/divisions

  • Create new divisions using this endpoint.

PUT /v1/divisions/{id}

  • Update division details by specifying the unique identifier in the URL.
These new API endpoints offer expanded functionality and flexibility, allowing you to perform a wider range of operations seamlessly.
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