Sprint 1 - January 20, 2021

  • Feature
Changes in invoicing logic for course participants, part 2

If you’re generating invoices for a few people from the same company at once, and all of the participants will have the “company pays” option, they will be grouped into one or a few invoices (additionally, invoices may be divided by PO-number and reference).

How to use:

  • Go to the course card, and open the list of participants
  • Choose one or few participants having “Approved” status
  • Click on the “Generate invoice” button
  • The system will show up a confirmation message asking if you’re sure and if you want the invoice to be sent out via Multikanal
  • Feature
Not required course address and place for online streaming courses

Now when you create a video streaming course, the system will not require you to fill in the course address and place. These fields may be empty for online courses but are still mandatory for offline courses.

  • Feature
Number of registered/approved participants and number of places on course list on My Page

Now your course leaders (Super Admins, Admins, Editors, Contributors) are able to see two additional columns on the list of courses available for them on their My Page. These columns are the following:

  • Number of people registered for the course (including all participants with any status except Cancelled) / Number of approved participants (participants having status Approved or Finished)
  • Number of places available for the current course (if applicable)
  • Feature
Participants report now contains more columns

New columns are added to the Participants report available both in the Back-Office and on My Page for course leaders. The additional columns are the following:

  • All extra fields for members available for your organization
  • Gender
  • Address fields (Address line 1 and 2, Postcode, etc)
  • Feature
Saldorapport og aldersfordelt saldorapport updates

Few more columns are included to the Saldorapport og aldersfordelt saldorapport, and now it is possible to track if there are payments debts for the following periods:

  • 91-120 days
  • 121-150 days
  • 151-180 days
  • More than 180 days
  • Feature
Public API updates

The following updates have been made in the current release:

  • Documentation over Choo Public API now is up to date
  • A new endpoint allowing force update for members is added
  • Public API now is working together with the standard Choo i Skyen GDPR logger, which means all changes to the personal data of your members done through API are logged properly under the same rules as if the updates are done by Super Admins in the Back-Office
  • In order to improve Public API availability, the HealthCheck service of AWS is updated so that if any endpoint stops working, Public API will be reloaded automatically
  • Feature
Public API – Search engine for members

Additional functionality is added to the Public API scope in order to provide more options for working with the members’ data. The updates are the following:

  • A new endpoint for getting the list of members is added
  • Additionally, a separate description of how the search engine works is available by a separate request – talk to us if you’re interested
  • Bug fix
Adding а user to the course waiting list

After adding a user to the waiting list on the course participant list in BackOffice, the participant status was not changed. This issue was reproduced only if the chosen option “Not to send confirmation email”, but when choosing the option to send the confirmation email, the participant status changes. The issue has been fixed. 

  • Bug fix
Wrong pagination on MyPage

Fixed displaying only the first page of all pagination pages on MyPage and inactive pagination buttons “Next” and “Previous” pages. 

  • Bug fix
Sending e-mail to recovery the password

An e-mail was not sent to members while resetting the password on the reset password page on MyPage. The issue is fixed now.

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